Product information

Product information
Název zboží:ESC Dualsky HM-PCU-12
Category: >éry (MR)/MR regulátory >
Price:7,46€ pc  
Item No:2943
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
Mini controller for continuous current 12Amps is equipped with up-to-date firmware Oneshot and active brake.
The control frequency is 400 kHz.
Three female connectors are soldered on the ESC body. They fit together with the connectors, which are attached to the motor  HM-2204X / HM-2204XR cables.
On the opposite side there are two tabs to connect battery 3S-4S. The cables can be either soldered of attached with screws to the Power distribution board (you can use the board of the Hornet Mini).
In line with the connectors for the motors there are another two tabs for the ground and signal wires.

The controller is not equipped with BEC. The external BEC must be use to feed the on-board RC system.