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Product information
Název zboží:Power Sensor for Altis
Category: >ěření/Výškoměry >
Price:52,00€ pc  
Item No:3703
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
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New Power Sensor for Altis. This sensor is connected to battery and measures battery voltage, current and the corresponding power and energy. The values are recorded and shown on the Altis display. It is also suitable for energy limiting competitions.

The AerobTec Altis V4 + and Altis nano altimeters can now be upgraded with a power sensor. This device provides battery voltage, current, power and energy measurements. These values may be logged, displayed, or used to shut down the engine after a certain amount of energy has been consumed, as required for F3Be contests.

To use the sensor insert it into the battery positive cable (red), and connect the black wire to the battery negative. Plug it into the Altis V4 + or Altis nano Altimeter CPM port.

Altis Power Sensor Specifications
Voltage 0V - 60V
Current 42.5A constant / 73A for 5 min / 100A for 30 seconds
Dimensions 21 x 27 x 7 mm
Cable length 10 cm
Weight 14 g
Power supply from Altis V4 + or Altis Nano via Molex connector
Resolution 0.1V, 0.1A, 0.1W, 1 Wmin
Accuracy voltage 1% / current 2% / power 2% / energy 2%