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Product information
Název zboží:Perfect G Express 80g
Category: >řevo >
Price:3,29€ pc  
Item No:3965
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
PERFECT G Express™ glue is especially formulated for use in bonding wood. Regarding with its specific character, it will reach exceptionally good results mainly with the porous materials like balsa, paper, cork etc. At the gluing the standard materials like soft and hard wood, the reached results will on the level of best products what are available on World market.
The PERFECT G Express™ glue has a shortened cure time, so it is acceptable for all the applications where the cure time limit the next working procedure.,Time of setting is 5 -15 min maximum strenght is obtained 60 min. after. The concrete time of setting and curing is obvious of applied quantity of glue, neighbourhood temperature and pressing at curing. The glue colour is white, clear after the complete cure. PERFECT G Express™ glue is resistant against moisture accordingly EN204. The glue is supply in optimal consistence, right for the usual applications and it would not be diluted (if it is not absolutely necessary). If the dilution is necessary due some reason, the 50% water addition is a limit less any fundamental influence for final properties of glued connection. PERFECT G Express™ glue is supplied in plastic bottles with applicators 80g size.