Product information

Product information
Producer:Hacker Motor
Name:Q150-6M-V2 kv 87
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > Hacker > Outrunner > Hacker Q150 >
Price:1999,00€ pc  
Item No:10109094
Delivery status:2 weeks
Product information:Outrunner brushless electric motor Ø150x80mm, KV87 RPM/V, weight 2380g, max. power 12000W (15 sec).
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Product description and features

With the Q150-M, we are now bringing an engine from our industrial sector into model making. The innovative design and the efficient engine geometry are guarantors for the enormous performance and the outstanding Performance. This high-end engine is completely handmade and constantly undergoes the most precise quality controls. "Made in Germany" and industrial quality stand for the highest standards and quality. The new prop driver with a 34mm pitch circle and 6 x M5 screws transfers the high torque of the Q150 perfectly to the prop.

Ideal for biplanes, sport planes and scale models up to ~45kg.


You can find suitable controllers, batteries and a suitable air screw in the Accessories tab.

Scope of delivery

Q150-6M-V2 Kv 87, prop mount and instructions.

Drive recommendation

Q150-6M-V2 kv 87
item no.: 10109094
Propeller SEP 38x12 SEP 38x12
LiPo 14S 15S
Voltage [V] 52,0 55,5
Current [A] 130 142
Power [W] 6760 7881
RPM 3810 4000
Controller [A] 150-300 150-300
Timing [°] 25 25
max. power range [W] (max.15 sec.) 12000
Poles 42
Turns 6
Idle current (I0) at 8.4V [A] 2,8
Recommended timing [°] 25
Switching Frequenzy [kHz] 8
Controller recommendation [A] (depending on setup) 160 - 300
Idle speed per volt (kv) 87
Dimensions and weight
Weight [g] 2380
Length [mm]/[in] 80
Outer diameter [mm]/[in] 150
Delivery contents
Prop Adapter Ja
Mounting cross Ja
Gold plug mm (recommended) 8
Backmount mountable Ja
Front mountable Nein