Product information

Product information
Name:Xmotor XM6352EA-20 V3
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > Dualsky > EA V3 >
Price:174,58€ pc  
Item No:3773
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:Outrunner brushless electric motor. Ø63.1mm x 55mm, RPM 280/1V, weight 508g, Max. 82A (15S), input voltage Lixx 8s, shaft 8 mm.
Product photo

New generation V3 motor for models of the 125E, .95-.120 2-stroke max. 140 4-stroke

Diameter 63,1mm, length 55mm, weight 508g, max. power (15s) 2624W, max. current (15s) 82A
KV 280

Recommended props
8S: 12x8E, 19x10E, 20x10E

Instructions manual (PDF)